Calc Group Rate Settings panel (CALC_GROUP_RATE table)
This table (
) contains prioritized records, which are examined one by one in ascending order. When a set of conditions is met, the rate is applied according to the parameter values.Parameter | Description |
Cgr Name | The name for the calculation group rate setting. |
Cgr Desc | Extended description for the calculation group rate setting. |
Calcgrp Id | The calculation group to which the rate definition applies. |
Cgr Priority | Order in which the conditions are evaluated.
Lower numbers are evaluated first. If multiple conditions are applicable, the
rate with the highest number priority is applied. For example, suppose a rate of 5.00 with a priority of 3 and a rate of 6.00 both meet the rule's conditions. In this case the rule applies the rate of 6.00. |
Cgr Effective Date | The date from when this record is effective. |
Cgr Rate Type | Can be one of these values:
Cgr Rate Value | The actual rate value as per the specified rate type. |
Cgr Rate Mode | Select one of these values:
Cgr Scheduled | Select the days on which the logic is applied. You can
select one of these values:
ALL is the default. |
Cgr Shift To Check | Select whether to use the actual scheduled shift
(Actual) or the default scheduled shift
(Default) when comparing the shift against the list
that is defined above. If left blank, then Actual is the default. |
Cgr Shift Names | Specify the shift names the condition applies to. Leave blank for all. |
Cgr Shiftpat Names | Specify the shift pattern names the condition applies to. Leave blank for all. |
Cgr Shift Must Start Before | Defines the time before which the shift must start for the premium to apply. |
Cgr Shift Must Start After | When set, defines the time after which the shift must start
for the premium to apply. The Cgr Shift Must Start After parameter is evaluated by taking the hours after midnight for the scheduled start and the parameter value and then comparing the two values. For example, 07:00 is after 06:00, but 01:00 is not after 23:00. |
Cgr Shift Must End Before | Defines the time before which the shift must end for the premium to apply. |
Cgr Shift Must End After | Defines the time after which the shift must end for the premium to apply. |
Cgr Tcode Names | Specify the time code names the condition applies to. Leave blank for all. |
Cgr Htype Names | Specify the hour type names the condition applies to. Leave blank for all. |
Cgr Job Names | Specify the job names the condition applies to. Leave blank for all. |
Cgr Dept Names | Specify the department names the condition applies to. Leave blank for all. |
Cgr Dock Names | Specify the docket names the condition applies to. Leave blank for all. |
Cgr Proj Names | Specify the project names the condition applies to. Leave blank for all. |
Cgr Must Work Minutes | Restricts premiums based on whether the employee worked at
least this number of minutes during scheduled/all times. Cgr Must Work Minutes
values end with S, %S, T, or %T.
Cgr Mwmin Tcodes | Used only if the Cgr Must Work Minutes value ends with %T or T. |
Cgr Mwmin Htypes | Used only if the Cgr Must Work Minutes value ends with %T or T. |
Cgr Must Work Mins Start | Used only if the Cgr Must Work Minutes value ends with %T or T. |
Cgr Must Work Mins End | Used only if the Cgr Must Work Minutes value ends with %T or T. |
Cgr Condition | An open string where the condition can be built based on
work detail and work summary UDF and flag fields. Such tokens are delimited
with commas and ANDed. The string is case-sensitive. Specify column names in lower case, except for the first letter to the right of the underscore. Also, remove the underscores from the column name. For the column WRKS_FLAG1, specify wrksFlag1. For example, wrkdUdf1=GUARD,wrksFlag1=Y will be satisfied if wrkd_udf1 equals GUARD AND wrks_flag1= Y on the work date. Supported fields are wrkd_udf1...10, wrkd_flag1...5, wrks_udf1...10, and wrks_flag1...10. |
Cgr DaytypIds | When defined, indicates which days to apply the rate definition. For example, FIRST DAY OFF applies the rate if the day is the employee's first day off. |