Compare Calc to System Date Condition

The Compare Calc to System Date Condition compares the work summary date being calculated to the current system date. To determine the system date, the condition can use the server time or the time zone of the employee being calculated.

Parameters In

Name Type Description Example
Operator String The operator that is used when comparing the work summary date being calculated against the current system date.

Supported operators are <, <=, =, <>, >=, and >.

Use Employee Time Zone Boolean Indicates whether to use the time zone of the employee being calculated to determine the current system date. By default, the server time is used to determine the current system date.

When this parameter is checked, the condition considers the time zone of the employee being calculated.


Server Time zone: GMT -5 (America/New York)

Employee Time zone: GMT - 8 (America/Los Angeles)

If the server time is:

03/23/2014 01:00

The employee's current time is:

03/22/2014 22:00

If the employee does not have a defined time zone, the condition uses the server time.


In this example, the condition evaluates to true whenever the work summary being evaluated is dated earlier than the current system date. The employee’s time zone is not considered.

Name Value
Operator <
Use Employee Time Zone (default)