Add the Rules Applied Cleaner Task

Use these steps to add the Rules Applied Cleaner Task to the registry.

  1. From the WFM Main Menu, select Maintenance > System Administration > Registry Maintenance.
    The Registry Maintenance page is displayed.
  2. Select the folder System > Tasks.
  3. Click Add from the Folder Selected section. The Add New Folder/Variable section is displayed.
  4. In the Add section, specify this information:
    Node Name
    Specify Rules Applied Cleaner Task

    Select Variable.

    Object Type

    From the drop-down field, select java.lang.String.

    Object Value

    Specify this value:

  5. Click Save.
  6. After you add the new folder or parameter, click Reload.

    Clicking Reload refreshes the Registry Tree. Your new item is displayed in the folder after you click Reload.