Calculating employee job rates

Employee job and job rate data in the application have date attributes for date effectiveness. For a calculation day, each job that the employee has worked must be calculated according to employee_job records (if any are defined). If the employee does not have jobs, the base rate is applied.


If the employee has these jobs:

Job Employee Start Date End Date Job Rate Index
Job 1 Emp 1 01/01/1900 01/01/2000 1
Job 1 Emp 1 01/02/2000 01/01/3000 2

And the jobs have these rate indices:

Job Job Rate Index Effective Date Rate
Job 1 1 01/01/1900 $10
Job 1 1 01/02/2000 $11

For 01/01/2001, the rate will be $11.

Here are the employee's work details for 01/01/2001 before job rates are applied (the employee's base rate is $10):

Start Time End Time Tcode H Type Job Rate
10:00 18:00 WRK REG Job 1 $10
18:00 19:00 WRK OT1.5 Job 2 $15

Here are the employee's work details for 01/01/2001 after job rates are applied:

Start Time End Time Tcode H Type Job Rate
10:00 18:00 WRK REG Job 1 $11
18:00 19:00 WRK OT1.5 Job 2 $15

Since the employee is on Job 1 as of 01/01/2001 and the rate of Job 1 as of this date is $11, the employee's 10:00-18:00 rate is changed to $11.

Note:  No job rate calculation is performed for job=0 and any employee job/job rates with jobRateIndex=0. For others, if no valid job rate is found for the employee and job rate calculation is set up in the rule (rateType=JOB), a "No valid job rate error found" error is displayed for the calculation date.