Worked Last Next N Days Condition

The Worked Last Next N Days Condition determines whether the employee has worked on a specified number of consecutive days. You can specify a minimum number of minutes that an employee must work for a day to be counted, as well as other parameters such as a time code and hour type.

For example, you can use this condition to determine if an employee has worked at least 240 minutes on each of the last five workdays.

Parameters In

Name Type Description
DaysToLook Integer The number of days to look back or ahead when checking for worked minutes.

The maximum value for this parameter is 14.

LastNext String Format: LAST/NEXT

If LAST, the condition checks the previous number of work days.

If NEXT, the condition checks the upcoming number of work days.

MinMinutes Integer Minimum number of minutes that employees must work each day to satisfy the condition.

The default is 0.

Scheduled String Format: SCHEDULED/ UNSCHEDULED/ ALL

Indicates which type of worked minutes will be counted.

TcodeNameList String The list of time codes that is used to calculate worked minutes.

If a value is not supplied, all time codes are used.

TcodeInclusive String Format: TRUE/FALSE (default is TRUE)

If TRUE, the time code-name list (TcodeNameList) is inclusive.

If FALSE, the time code-name list is not inclusive.

HtypeNameList String The list of hour types that is used to calculate worked minutes.

If a value is not supplied, all hour types are used.

HtypeInclusive String Format: TRUE/FALSE (default is TRUE)

If TRUE, the hour type name list (HtypeNameList) is inclusive.

If FALSE, the hour type name list is not inclusive.

ScheduleType String Format: ACTUAL/DEFAULT

Indicates which type of schedule will be considered when checking worked minutes.

WorkDetailTypesToCheck String Format: WORK DETAILS / WORK PREMIUMS / ALL

Indicates which type of work detail will be counted.


In this example, the condition checks the employee’s actual schedule 3 days before the current day to calculate a minimum of 480 minutes with the time code WRK (time code inclusive) and the hour type UAT (hour type not inclusive).

Name Value
DaysToLook 3
LastNext LAST
TcodeNameList WRK
TcodeInclusive TRUE
HtypeNameList UAT
HtypeInclusive FALSE
MinMinutes 480
Scheduled ALL
ScheduleType ACTUAL