Creating child maintenance forms

After a maintenance form is created, additional information can be specified using these child maintenance forms:

  • Form Fields
  • Maintenance Form Groups
  • Element Security
  • MFRM Data Localization
  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Maintenance Forms.
  2. Click Edit next to the maintenance form that you want to modify.
  3. Navigate to the Form Fields section to configure the fields that exist on this maintenance form.
  4. Navigate to the Maintenance Form Groups section to grant access to the maintenance form for specific security groups.
    Security Group
    Select the security group to grant or deny permission from the lookup. See System security.
    Default Permissions
    Specify the permission that is granted or denied for the corresponding security group. Available options are Act, View, and Deny. Specify the capital letter of each option.
    Select one of these permission levels for each security group:
    • EDIT: Allows full access to the maintenance form.
    • VIEW: Allows read-only access to the maintenance form.
    • NONE: Denies access to the maintenance form.
  5. Navigate to the Element Security section to grant access to a specific field on the maintenance form for a specific security group.
    Security Group
    Select the security group to grant or deny permission from the lookup.
    Element Name
    Specify the element name (field name) path for which you want to provide security permissions.
    Permission Flag
    Select one of these permission levels for each security group:
    • Act: Allows full access to the field.
    • View: Allows read-only access to the field.
    • Deny: Denies access to the field.

    You can also set folder, form, and field-level security permissions for each element using config mode. The modifications you make using this method will be reflected on the child maintenance forms for the respective maintenance form.

  6. Navigate to the MFRM Data Localization section to specify the localization label that will be displayed as the maintenance form name. This name can also be set up in different languages.
    Wbl Id
    Select the language for the localized maintenance form name.
    Specify the maintenance form name in the localized language.
    Specify a brief description of the maintenance form in the localized language.
  7. Click Save.