Adding reader servers

  1. Select Maintenance > Reader Setup > Reader Organization > Reader Servers.
  2. Click Create New Entry.
  3. Specify this information:
    Reader Server
    Specify the name of the new reader server.
    Specify a description of the new reader server.
    Reader NT Service Machine Name
    Specify the name or IP address of the machine where the reader server is installed.
    Reader Server Type
    Select the type of reader server being used from the lookup.
    Last Processed History
    The number of records in the change history table that is populated by the application automatically. The number in this field represents the latest change history record that is processed. When creating a reader server, leave this field blank.
    In Params
    Not used in the current version of the application; leave this field blank.
    Out Params
    Not used in the current version of the application; leave this field blank.
  4. Click Save.