Enabling calculation group auditing

To recalculate employee records based on calculation group changes, you must enable calculation group auditing.

  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Registry Maintenance.
  2. Select the /system/ruleengine/calc_group_audit_period_change_only registry path.
  3. Select False in the Variable Value field.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Select the /system/ruleengine/calc_group_effective_dating registry path.
  7. Select True in the Variable Value field.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click OK.

The task recalculates data for all the employees in changed calculation groups, since the earliest effective date of the effective changes to the date when the last default records were created for employees.

This parameter of the Recalculate Task is relevant to the recalculation of employee records based on calculation group changes:

Process Calc Group Definition Changes
Select this check box to recalculate any calculation group changes. All employee records are recalculated for employees belonging to changed calculation groups, from the effective date of the change until the date when the last default records were created for the employee.