Adding an alternate home team

Before you can assign an alternate home team, you must set the ALLOW_DUAL_TEAM_HIERARCHY parameter to TRUE. If you are implementing a dual hierarchy, you must also specify the HOME_TEAM_TYPE parameter.

For more information on setting these parameters, see the Infor Workforce Management Registry Parameter Reference Guide.

  1. Select Maintenance > Employees > Employee.
  2. Click Find to search for the employee. To perform an advanced search, click the down arrow next to the Find button.
  3. After you find the employee, click Edit next to the employee.
  4. Navigate to the Employee Teams section.
  5. If required, turn on config mode and adjust the security settings for the Alternate Home Team field.

    See Using config mode.

    Turn config mode off.

  6. Click the new row icon in the Employee Teams section. Specify this information:
    Use the lookup to select the alternate team.
    Start Date
    Optional. Provide a start date for the team.
    End Date
    Optional. Provide an end date for the team.
    Alternate Home Team
    Select the check box to assign this team as the alternate home team for the employee.
  7. Click Save.
If you have not set the ALLOW_DUAL_TEAM_HIERARCHY parameter to TRUE, this error message displays:

The system is not set up to handle dual hierarchy, alternate teams cannot be specified.