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Infor Workforce Management Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide
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About this guide
Related documents
Infor Government Solutions (IGS)
Labor and production metrics
Implementing labor metrics
Defining labor metric elements
Configuring labor metric elements
Creating default labor metrics for a date range
Adding departments
Adding jobs
Defining default labor allocation details
After implementing labor metrics
Labor metric security
Creating labor metric security groups
Assigning users and employees to labor metric security groups
Assigning labor metrics to labor metric security groups
Assigning jobs to labor metric security groups
Assigning departments to labor metric security groups
Assigning time codes to labor metric security groups
Assigning hour types to labor metric security groups
Assigning public holidays to labor metric security groups
Assigning dockets to labor metric security groups
Assigning projects to labor metric security groups
Configuring lookups to use labor metric security
FSM labor metrics
System security
Security levels
Application security
Creating users
Setting password alert times
Setting password life times
Setting password strength
Setting password repeat count
Setting maximum login attempts
Setting system timeouts
Security groups
Creating security groups from existing groups
Creating security groups from scratch
Granting specific permissions to forms
Editing existing security groups
Allowing users to modify security group names
Deleting security groups
Assigning users to security groups
Assigning permissions to security groups
Form-level security
Assigning form-level permissions
Removing form-level permissions
Field-level and button-level security
Assigning field-level and button-level permissions
Removing field-level and button-level permissions
Team security
User roles
Creating employee roles
Creating team types
Creating teams
Creating sub-teams
Assigning user teams and roles
Assigning employees to teams
Security user proxies, alternates, and delegates
User proxy setup
Proxy user permissions
Enabling the user proxy feature
Setting up user proxies
Setting up proxy access for security groups
Setting up proxy access for individual users
Designating proxies for a user
Tracking user proxy transactions
Referenced users
Setting up alternate or delegate users
Security maintenance
Resetting user accounts
Security headings
Creating security headings
Modifying security headings
User proxying
Granting proxy permissions
Becoming other users
Switching back to yourself
Creating employee schedules
Viewing existing shift patterns
Viewing existing shifts
Creating new shifts
Scheduling shift breaks
Editing shifts
Creating new shift patterns
Setting shift labor allocations
Editing shift patterns
Removing shifts from shift patterns
Assigning schedules
Assigning shift patterns
Creating new shift pattern
Setting shift pattern offsets
Multiple shifts
Calculating multiple shift overrides
Creating new shift labels
Payroll settings
Pay groups
Time codes
Adding time codes
Deleting time codes
Hour types
Adding hour types
Deleting hour types
Adding balance types
Adding time code balance types
Time code parameters
Setting time code parameters
Assigning time code parameter values to time codes
Currencies and conversion groups
Creating a currency
Creating a currency conversion group
Assigning a currency and currency conversion group to a pay group
Override types
Adding an override type
Editing existing override types
Override migration
Scheduling the Override Value Convert Task
Granting or revoking group permissions for override types
Calculation groups
Assigning employees to calculation groups
Payroll close
Payroll Close Wizard
Centralized or de-centralized payroll
Centralized payroll close process
De-centralized payroll close process
Automated payroll processes
Automated payroll close process
Scheduled timesheet lockout
Scheduled notifications
Payroll close setup
Pay groups
Creating or editing pay groups
Determining the adjustment period based on the offset
Pay group types
Creating or editing pay group types
Defining semi-monthly pay periods
Defining monthly pay periods
Payroll close notifications
Timesheet Lockout Approaching Notification
Defining the Timesheet Lockout Approaching Notification task
Unauthorized Records Notification
Defining the Unauthorized Records Notification task
Payroll Readiness Notification
Defining the Payroll Readiness Notification task
Payroll close tasks
Payroll Export Enhanced Task (Job Scheduler)
Scheduling the Payroll Export Enhanced Task
Payroll Export Interface
Asynchronous Processing Task
Scheduling the Asynchronous Processing Task
Payroll close process
Using the Payroll Close Wizard
Step 1: Select export type
Step 2: Select pay groups or employees to export
Selecting pay groups for an on-cycle export
Selecting terminated employees for an off cycle export
Selecting employees for retroactive adjustments
Off cycle export for employees with future termination dates
Step 3: Check pay group or employee readiness
On cycle export
Submitting pay groups for export
Off cycle export
Submitting employees for export
Step 4: Review
Review page
Advanced options
Processing your payroll close
Saving the export settings for later
Canceling your payroll close
Payroll export file transfer
Payroll close process recovery
Approving unauthorized work records
Resetting on-cycle payroll close status
Resetting off-cycle payroll close status
Re-exporting a payroll
Defining the Timesheet Lockdown Task
Using the Unauthorized Records Report
Configuring pay group security
Enabling the new payroll close process
Verifying the Payroll Export Enhanced Task plug-in
Accessing the payroll export task
Adjusting your Pay Group maintenance form
Setting security permissions
Disable the old Payroll Export task
Employee settings and overrides
Employee information
Viewing employee details
Employee full-time status
Viewing employee data
Adding employee data fields
Modifying employee data fields
Viewing employee job information
Viewing employee reader group information
Viewing employee team information
Adding an alternate home team
Viewing employee profile comments
Editing employee information
Skill types and skills
Adding skill types
Adding skills
Employee overrides
Viewing existing employee overrides
Creating employee overrides
Creating employee balance overrides
Creating employee labor allocation overrides
Creating group employee overrides
Labor allocation overrides
Terminating employees
Rehiring employees
Creating holidays
Editing holidays
Deleting holidays
Roll types
Custom holiday roll conditions
Custom date class
Adding new roll types
Holiday rolls
Defining holiday rolls
Editing holiday rolls
Holiday calendars
Creating holiday calendars
Editing holiday calendars
Deleting holiday calendars
Holiday calendar employee relationships
Adding holiday calendar and employee relationships
Public holiday assignment
Configuring the Holiday Assignment Parameters page
Defining holiday assignments using the Holiday Assignment Parameters page
Defining holiday assignments using the Job Scheduler
Specifying parameters for the Holiday Assignment Task
Holiday assignment transactions
Employee holiday overrides
Creating employee holiday overrides
Accessing Workmail
Workmail messages
Workmail pages
Viewing Workmail messages
Viewing mail messages in the Inbox
Viewing form messages in the Inbox
Viewing mail messages in the Folders page
Viewing form messages in the Folders page
Composing mail messages
Composing mail messages using the Compose page
Composing mail messages using the Address Book page
Retrieving draft messages
Message management
Moving and deleting messages
Moving messages between folders
Deleting messages from folders
Deleting messages permanently
Managing folders
Creating custom folders
Renaming custom folders
Deleting custom folders
Managing custom distribution lists
Creating custom distribution lists
Editing custom distribution lists
Deleting custom distribution lists
Form messages
Forms page
Viewing form details
Canceling forms
Approving or rejecting form requests
Distribution list management
Creating distribution lists
Editing distribution lists
Deleting distribution lists
Creating alerts
Creating an alert
Push notifications
Scheduling alerts
Scheduling the Alert Task
Employees Approaching Overtime alert parameters
Troubleshooting alerts
Viewing alert transactions
Notification bar
Action Items
Timesheet Alerts
Time Punch Alerts
My Employees
Legacy logic
Accessing the notification bar registry settings
Enabling or disabling the notification bar
Employee information
Timesheet Alerts
My Employees
Employee time codes (legacy logic)
Maintenance forms
Creating maintenance forms
Creating child maintenance forms
Editing maintenance forms
Deleting maintenance forms
Creating application folders
Designating admin maintenance forms
Filtering DBLookups
Primary and secondary input fields
Single and multiple rows
Database table
SQL expression
SQL expression elements
Setting up DBLookup filters with a single primary input field
Setting up DBLookup filters with multiple primary input fields
Troubleshooting DBLookup filtering
Configuring DBLookups for user input
Changing the global default configuration to accept user input
Changing the individual default configuration to accept user input
Configuring a DBLookup layer to open unpopulated
Defining work detail filters on the Timesheet Selection page
Defining detail filter mapping
Notes on using multiple filters
Reader setup
Reader server types
Adding reader server types
Reader servers
Adding reader servers
Reader groups
Adding reader groups
Adding clock readers
Assigning employees to reader groups
Verifying that required employees have badge numbers
Creating employee badge numbers
Clock IP Validation Rule
Adding an IP address whitelist
Adding an IP address whitelist to an IP address group
Adding an IP address group
Adding a reader type to an IP address group
Removing a clock IP validation rule
Location services clock validation rule
Configuring the location services clock validation rule for the mobility reader type
Disabling location services validation
Geofencing clock validation rule
Expected geolocations
Setting up the geofencing clock validation rule for mobility
Configuring the geofencing clock validation rule for the mobility reader type
Location services permission clock validation rule
Configuring the location services permission clock validation rule for the mobility reader type
Disabling location services permission validation
Location timeout clock validation rule
Configuring the location timeout clock validation rule for the mobility reader type
Disabling location timeout validation
Employee status clock validation rule
Enabling the employee status clock validation rule
Daylight saving time (DST)
Processing rejected clocks
Job Scheduler
Scheduling tasks
Adding tasks to the Job Scheduler
Recalculation tasks
Recalculate Task
Balance changes
Business rule changes
Calculation group changes
Enabling calculation group auditing
Entitlement policy changes
Job rate changes
Employee clocks
Inactive timesheets
Pending overrides
Installing Recalculate Task components
Adding Recalculate Tasks
Scheduling the Recalculate Task
Full Recalculate Task
Scheduling the Full Recalculate Tasks
Aggregate Task
Adding Aggregate Tasks to a schedule
Scheduling the Start of Day Task
Modifying the task and scheduling details
Editing task parameters
Deleting Job Scheduler tasks
Setting the security permissions of tasks
Automatic failover
Job Scheduler registry parameters
Viewing Job Scheduler task logs
Task types
Configuration tools
Using config mode
Setting field level security
Setting page timeouts
Localizing text for field and button names
Localizing field name text
Localizing button name text
Localization of field input types
Field localization help
Localizing field input types
Localizing the language text of field and button names
Changing the user’s default language setting
Viewing localization results
Menu and dashboard configuration
Header Menu folders
Dashboard Menu folders
Utility structure
Granting permissions to folders and forms
Adding new folders
Adding new forms
Editing folders or forms
Deleting folders or forms
Changing the order of folders and forms
Inserting action items
Disabling an action item from the Dashboard
Changing the order of Dashboard action items
Configuring custom images for the WFM application
Custom image requirements
Using Cascading Style Sheets
Pay rules and the Quick Rule Editor
The rule engine
Enabling rule auditing
Enabling rule auditing for all changes
Enabling rule auditing for period changes only
Enabling date effective rules
Automatic recalculation
Setting the automatic recalculation behavior
Defining the auto recalculation and recalculation time periods for calculation groups
Configuring when LTA overrides are applied during rule execution
Building rules
Creating calculation groups
Assigning rules to calculation groups
Assigning date-effective rules
Creating date effective rules
Making existing rules date effective
Defining a time period for date effective rules
Setting date effective rules to active or inactive
Showing rule descriptions by default
Hiding the Show/Hide Rule Description toggle button
Condition sets and rule parameters
Defining conditions sets
Condition set overrides
Defining date effective condition sets and rule parameters
Testing new rules
Editing rules
Editing rule parameters
Changing the processing order of rules
Changing the processing order of condition sets
Deleting rules
Deleting condition sets
Deleting conditions
Editing the XML of calculation groups
Displaying the Edit XML link
Rule execution points
Affordable Care Act Rule
Apply Pay Rates Rule
Calculating piece rates
Calculating employee job rates
Calc Group Rate Settings panel (CALC_GROUP_RATE table)
Overriding job rate indices
Apply Rate At Banked Time Rule
Arrange Break Rule
Assign Breaks Rule
Business Example 1 - Assign Breaks Rule
Business Example 2 - Assign Breaks Rule
Business Example 3 - Assign Breaks Rule
Authorize Rule
Award Premium Rule
Rule errors
Business Example 1 - Award Premium Rule
Business Example 2 - Award Premium Rule
Business Example 3 - Award Premium Rule
Balance Payout Rule
Balance Transfer Rule
Cascade Time Code Rule
Change Time Code Hour Type Duration Rule
Daily Overtime 24 Hour Rule
Daily Overtime Plus Rule
Rule errors
Business Example 1 - Daily Overtime Plus Rule
Business Example 2 - Daily Overtime Plus Rule
Business Example 3 - Daily Overtime Plus Rule
Business Example 4 - Daily Overtime Plus Rule
Business Example 5 - Daily Overtime Plus Rule
Business Example 6 - Daily Overtime Plus Rule
Daily Overtime Rule
Day Light Saving rule
Configuring the Day Light Saving rule
Troubleshooting the Day Light Saving rule
Day Split Rule
System-generated clocks
Copy and split work details
Block manual work details
Setting a day split time for a calc group
Day Split Rule parameters
Recommended configuration of the Day Split Rule
Employee Shift Premiums Rule
Error Rule
Business Example 1 - Error Rule
Business Example 2 - Error Rule
Fair Schedule Rule
Business Example 1: San Francisco
Business Example 2: Seattle
Business Example 3: New York City
Business Example 4: Emeryville
Business Example 5: Oregon
Business Example 6: Los Angeles
Business Example 7: Chicago
Business Example 8: Philadelphia
Graces Rule
Guarantees Plus Rule
Business Example 1 - Guarantees Plus Rule
Business Example 2 - Guarantees Plus Rule
Business Example 3 - Guarantees Plus Rule
Business Example 4 - Guarantees Plus Rule
Business Example 5 - Guarantees Plus Rule
Business Example 6 - Guarantees Plus Rule
Business Example 7 - Guarantees Plus Rule
Guarantees Rule
Holiday Average rule
Holiday Pay Rule
Holiday Recalculate Rule
Holiday Reversal Rule
Insufficient Rest Rule
LateLELL Rule
Lead Hand Rule
Meal Break Rule
Meal Confirmation Pay Rule
Minimum Wage Rule
One Day Rest In Seven Rule
Recall Rule
Remove Work Detail Rule
Retail Tip Rule
Round Clocks Rule
Scheduled Swipes rule
Shift Premium Zone Rule
Configuring shift premium zones
Business example 1: Shift Premium Zone Rule
Business example 2: Shift Premium Zone Rule
Business example 3: Shift Premium Zone Rule
Business example 4: Shift Premium Zone Rule
Business example 5: Shift Premium Zone Rule
Business example 6: Shift Premium Zone Rule
Business example 7: Shift Premium Zone Rule
Business example 8: Shift Premium Zone Rule
Business example 9: Shift Premium Zone Rule
Shift Premiums Rule
Split Detail Rule
Unauthorize Rule
Reason codes
Business Example 1 - Unauthorize Rule
Business Example 2 - Unauthorize Rule
Business Example 3 - Unauthorize Rule
Weekly Overtime Plus Rule
Rule errors
Business Example 1 - Weekly Overtime Plus Rule
Business Example 2 - Weekly Overtime Plus Rule
Business Example 3 - Weekly Overtime Plus Rule
Business Example 4 - Weekly Overtime Plus Rule
Business Example 5 - Weekly Overtime Plus Rule
Business Example 6 - Weekly Overtime Plus Rule
Examples - Weekly Overtime Plus Rule - Borrowing Team Allocation
Weekly Overtime Rule
Weekly Overtime Split Rule
Work Detail Rounding Rule
Worked Less Than Scheduled Rule
Rule conditions
Always True Condition
Compare Calc to System Date Condition
Compare Rehire and Term Dates Condition
Compares Rate Condition
Day Off Index Condition
Exists Clock Token Condition
Exists Holiday Range Condition
Exists Override Condition
Has N Days Seniority Condition
Has Insufficient Rest Condition
Has Worked N Days of Last M Days Condition
Holiday Condition
Is Balance In Range Condition
Is Calc Group Property Generic Condition
Is Day Condition
Is Day Condition Extended
Is Day Off Condition
Is EmpUdf Value Equal To Condition
Is Employed Period Condition
Is Employee Birthday Condition
Is Employee Date Condition
Is Employee Property Generic Condition
Is Employee Schedule Property Generic Condition
Is Employee Skilled Condition
Is Employee Team Condition
Is First Day Of Month Condition
Is Holiday Condition
Is Holiday Extended Condition
Is LTA Condition
Is Last Day Of Month Condition
Is Nth Day of Period Condition
Is Nth Day Worked Week Condition
Is Overlapping Work Details Condition
Is Pay Group Property Generic Condition
Is Regularly Scheduled Day Condition
Is Regularly Scheduled Day Condition Extended
Is Saturday Condition
Is Shift Pattern Property Generic Condition
Is Specific Holiday Condition
Is Specific Month Condition
Is Sunday Condition
Is Termination Date Condition
Is Weekday Condition
Is Weekend Day Condition
Is Weekend Day Extended Condition
Is Work Summary Property Generic Condition
Schedule Detail Duration Condition
Scheduled Duration Condition
Scheduled Shift Count Condition
Worked Last Next N Days Condition
Worked N Minutes Condition
Legislation templates
Rules Applied Cleaner Task
Add the Rules Applied Cleaner Task
Create the Rules Applied Cleaner Task Job Scheduler task
Opening the Console
Closing the Console
Turning config mode on
Turning config mode off
Turning metrics on
Page Metrics fields
Turning metrics off
Turning debug mode on
Debug Mode sections
Turning debug mode off
Turning trace mode on
Turning trace mode off
Changing the locale
Unloading the cache
Logging off using the Console
Setting the HTML document type
System Information
App Server Information
JDBC Information
Build Information
Cognos information
Using System Health Check
Exporting your test results to a text file
Test and Tag reference
System Metrics
Page Metrics
Displaying the System Metrics page
Error Log Management
Opening the Error Log Management page
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Open link in new window
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