Payroll Export Enhanced Task (Job Scheduler)
The Payroll Export Enhanced Task is necessary if the payroll close is not initiated by a user, but is initiated automatically to run on a scheduled basis. The Payroll Export Enhanced Task is used to generate payroll export files when payroll close processes are scheduled at regular time intervals.
The Payroll Export Enhanced Task can be scheduled to run as often as you like. By default, the task only picks up pay groups that are manually set to “ready”. To automate this process, you can configure the task to ready the specified pay groups automatically. The Payroll Export Enhanced Task picks up the pay groups that are processed by the payroll wizard and creates the payroll export file. See Using the Payroll Close Wizard.
After the Payroll Export Enhanced Task is run, payroll export files are generated, the pay period dates are advanced to the next scheduled pay period, and an e-mail confirming the completion of the payroll export is sent to the supervisor or payroll administrator.