Day Light Saving rule
The Day Light Saving rule creates premiums on days when the server makes a daylight saving time (DST) transition. The rule simulates an employee's schedule or work details on the transition day and compares them to the regular schedule or work details. Any difference between the two is compensated with premiums.
The rule follows this process:
- If the rule cannot safely apply a schedule to the native time zone
that is specified for the simulation, then the rule does not apply changes and does
not create premiums. The rule unauthorizes the work summary and displays a message
stating that this day has been highlighted for manual inspection.
For example, the rule might not be able to apply a schedule safely because a work detail's start or end time falls in the hour before the daylight saving time transition.
- In the preceding case, if the authorization status has been set manually by a user in the work summary, then the rule does not take effect and the work summary remains authorized.
- The rule takes effect on the day of a DST transition, the day before the transition, and the day after the transition. These days are included in the rule to ensure that compensation is applied appropriately for over-midnight cases and other scenarios. The rule does not affect the other days of the year.
The rule can be configured to apply premiums based on employees' schedules or their work details.
Apply premiums based on schedule
If premiums are applied based on schedules, the rule has these restrictions:
- The rule does not take action if there are clock overrides on the timesheet.
- The rule must be configured to run at the "After Clocks Applied" execution point.
- Other rules cannot be used in conjunction with the Day Light
Saving rule if the rules do both of these actions:
- Run at the “After LTA Overrides Applied” or “Rounding Clocks” execution point.
- Modify the start, end, duration, or rate of any work detail, schedule detail, or clock.
- The rule does not support these registry configurations:
Apply premiums based on work details
If premiums are applied based on work details, the rule has these restrictions:
- The rule will take effect when clock overrides are present on the timesheet, because it is based on work details.
- The rule must be configured to run on or after the "After Time Based Work Detail Overrides Applied" execution point.