Creating security groups from scratch

By default, the Create New Entry button is disabled on the Security Group page for new installations. We recommend that you use the Copy Security Group page instead. See Creating security groups from existing groups.

If you do want to create a blank security group from scratch, you must enable the Create New Entry button and modify the permission of the Security Group field to allow for changes.

Note: When you add a custom security group, default permissions for the new group are added for forms and elements throughout the system. You should review these permissions to ensure that they are set according to your requirements.
  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Maintenance Forms.
  2. Click Edit beside the SECURITY GROUP maintenance form.
  3. In the JSP Parameter field, update the [NEW] parameter from FALSE to TRUE:
  4. Click Save.
    The Create New Entry button is now enabled on the Security Group page. You can revert the change when no longer needed by restoring [NEW]=FALSE in the JSP Parameter field.
  5. In the Form Fields section, locate the WBG_NAME field.
  6. In the Field Parameters column, remove readonly=true.
  7. Click Save at the bottom of the Form Fields section to save the field configuration.
    Users can now edit security group names. You can revert the change when no longer needed by restoring readonly=true in the Field Parameters column.
  8. To create a security group from scratch, select Maintenance > Security > Group Security > Security Group.
  9. Click Create New Entry.
  10. Specify the group name and description in the Security Group and Description fields.
  11. Select the Lock Down Priv check box to enable users of this security group to edit timesheet records before the pay group's supervisor date (this date is also known as the pay group's lock down date). See Payroll settings.
  12. Optionally, select the Wbg Can Proxy check box to enable the proxy settings for this entire security group. See User proxy setup.
  13. Select one of these default levels of user permissions for this security group using the Permissions lookup:
    Option Description
    Edit To enable all users in the security group to view and edit maintenance forms. Any Create New Entry links or Delete check boxes on forms or pages are functional.
    View To enable users to view maintenance forms only. Any Create New Entry links or Delete check boxes are hidden.
    None To prevent users from accessing maintenance forms. They are not displayed in the Header, Table of Contents, of Folder Tree.
    The permission is applied to all maintenance forms for users of the group unless specific are defined for a form. See Form-level security.
  14. Specify the path for the page that is first displayed when users of the security group log on in the Default Start Page field.
    You must reference the appropriate JSP to specify the default start page. For example, the JSP for Generic Employee Launch Pad is /modules/launchpads/genericEmployee.jsp.

    Ensure the security permissions for the relevant maintenance forms are set when setting the security group’s default start page. For example, if the Employee Launch Pad is defined as the security group’s default start page, then the security group needs View or Edit permissions for the Employee Launch Pad maintenance form.

  15. Optionally, select the associated Cognos role from the Cognos Role drop-down list.
  16. Optionally, provide the Mingle Security Role if required.
    Note: When specifying the Mingle Security Role in a security group, the value must be unique and cannot be edited once set. Copying a security group does not copy the Mingle Security Role value.

    For more information on Mingle Security roles, see "Setting up roles" in the Infor Workforce Management Configuration Guide for Infor OS.

  17. Click Save.