Requesting a two-way shift trade in the desktop application
Select Maintenance > System Administration > Root Node > Forms.
The Forms page is displayed.
If you cannot see the Shift Trades form in the Data Forms section, you belong to a security group that does not have the privileges to access the form. If this is the case, contact your system administrator who can grant you the appropriate security privilege.
Open in the Shift Trades
row. The Shift Trade Request form is displayed.
If you saved draft versions of the Shift Trade Request form from previous entries, the Available Drafts panel will be displayed. Either click the Shift Trade hyperlink to open and complete a draft Shift Trade Request form or click Create New to complete a new Shift Trade Request form.
- Select the employee who will take over your original shift in the Substitute field. Only employees with the skills and job qualifications to take over your shift are listed in the table.
- In the Please Complete this Section for 1 way Shift Trades section, select the date of the shift you want to trade using the Date Affected lookup.
- Select the Overnight check box if the shift occurs overnight.
If you want to trade only part of your shift, specify the time
range using the To and From drop-down lists. Otherwise, leave these fields
blank to trade your entire shift. The format for these fields is HH:MM AM/PM
(for example, 12 midnight would be 12:00 AM).
You cannot specify a time range outside of your original shift (e.g., you cannot trade a 12:00 – 06:00 pm shift if you were originally scheduled to work from 09:00 AM – 03:00 PM).
- Optionally, specify the reason for your shift trade request or any other information related to the request in the Comments field.
- In the Please Complete this Section for 2 way Shift Trades section, select the date of the shift you will work in return for swapping your original shift using the Date Affected lookup.
- Select the Overnight check box if the shift occurs overnight.
If you want to work only part of your substitute’s shift, specify
the time range using the To and From drop-down lists. Otherwise, leave these
fields blank to trade your substitute’s entire shift. The format for these
fields is HH:MM AM/PM (for example, 12 midnight would be 12:00 AM).
The From and To fields specify time range for the partial shift your substitute wants to trade. You cannot indicate a time range outside of your substitute’s original shift (e.g., you substitute cannot trade a 12:00 – 06:00 pm shift if he or she was originally scheduled to work from 09:00 am – 03:00 pm).
- Optionally, specify the reason for your shift trade request or any other information related to the request in the Comments field.
Submit to send your Shift
Trade Request form for approval.
Alternatively, you can save the form as a draft for future processing by clicking Draft or print a hard copy of the form by clicking Print. Please note that neither of these options submit the form for processing.
Ok to acknowledge the
confirmation message.
When the form is submitted, your substitute will receive an interaction request form in the Messaging module, and can then accept or reject your shift trade request.