Shift billboard notifications
Workmail messages are sent to users to notify them of the results of their billboard requests and when there are updates to the status of a request. Messages are sent to users that post shifts and to users that attempt to claim shifts. Workmail messages are also sent to users that are required to provide an approval decision for a billboard request. These messages display the same information when users open the messages in any part of the application.
Shift post request notifications
Workmail notifications are sent to users that post shifts to inform them of the current status of the shift posting request. This table lists the events when posting users can receive notification messages and the information included in the notification message:
Shift Billboard event | Information included |
Shift posting accepted |
Posted shift successfully claimed |
Shift posting rejected by supervisor (or another approver) |
Shift posting canceled by user |
Shift posting rejected by system due to schedule compliance errors |
Shift posting expired |
Shift claim request notifications
Workmail notifications are sent to users that claim shifts to inform them of the current status of the shift claiming request. This table lists the events when claiming users can receive notification messages and the information included in the notification message:
Shift Billboard event | Information included |
Shift claim successful |
Shift claim rejected by supervisor (or another approver) |
Shift claim rejected because shift was claimed by another user |
Shift claim rejected because posted shift was canceled |
Shift claim rejected because posted shift was rejected due to schedule compliance errors |
Shift claim rejected because posted shift expired |
Notification for required approvals
Workmail notifications are sent to users that are required to provide approval decisions on a posting or claiming request. Users can approve or reject a request directly in the workmail message.
See Obtaining approvals for more details.
This table lists the events when claiming users receive notification messages and the information included in the notification message:
Shift Billboard event | Information included |
Approval decision required on posting request |
Approval decision required on claiming request |