Employee posting window
The employee posting window defines when employees may post their assigned shifts to the billboard. A validation is performed when an employee attempts to post a shift that compares the start and end times of the posting to the employee posting window. This ensures employees cannot post shifts that start too close to the current time or that are from future schedule periods. To successfully post a shift, the posting must pass the validations or approvals required in the posting workflow.
The employee posting window can be configured to specify how far in the future employees can post their assigned shifts. The minimum time is defined by the EMP_SHIFT_POSTING_WINDOW_MIN registry parameter, and the maximum time is defined by the EMP_SHIFT_POSTING_WINDOW_MAX registry parameter. These parameters specify the number of minutes into the future when employees can post shifts. Whole shifts can be posted to billboard when the entire shift from start to end is inside the window. For shifts that are partially inside the window, only the portion of the shift that is inside the window may be posted.
For example, the window is configured to allow employee posting for shifts from 240 minutes (four hours) to 10080 minutes (one week) into the future. At 9:00AM on Monday, an entire shift can be posted if it starts on or after 1:00PM and ends before next Monday at 9:00AM. If a shift is on Monday from 9:00AM to 5:00PM, the part of the shift from 1:00PM to 5:00PM can be posted.