Default claiming workflow
The default claiming workflow determines if a request to claim a shift is successful. The default claiming workflow checks for schedule compliance warnings or errors that would be introduced in the claiming or posting employee's schedules by the claim action. If no schedule compliance warnings or errors would occur, the shift claim is successful. If warnings would occur, the claim request is sent to the team supervisor for approval before the shift is successfully claimed. If errors would occur, the claim request is rejected.
- The claiming employee is notified that they have successfully claimed the shift.
- The posting employee is notified that their posted shift has been successfully claimed.
- Employees with pending claim requests for the same shift are notified that their claim requests are rejected.
- Workmails for approvals on other claim requests for the same shift are removed from the team supervisor's inbox.
When a claim request is REJECTED, the shift remains unassigned or remains assigned to the posting employee. A workmail notification is sent to the claiming employee to inform them that their claim has been rejected.
This table describes the steps in the default claiming workflow:
Step # | Process Step | Outcome |
1 | Was the shift posted by a manager or employee? | If the shift was posted by an employee, go to the
next step. If the shift was posted by a manager, go to step 4. |
2 | Does removing the shift from the posting employee's schedule cause any schedule compliance errors? | If yes, REJECTED. If no, go to the next step. |
3 | Does removing the shift from the posting employee's schedule cause any schedule compliance warnings that have not been previously approved or that cannot be self-approved? | If yes, go to step 6. If no, go to the next step. |
4 | Does adding the shift to the claiming employee's schedule cause any schedule compliance warnings? | If yes, go to the next step. If no, go to step 7. |
5 | Can the claiming employee self-approve all the schedule compliance warnings that occur if the shift is added to their schedule? | If yes, go to step 7. If no, go to the next step. |
6 | The team's supervisor is sent a message to approve any schedule compliance warnings that would be caused by the claim in the schedules for the posting or claiming employees. | If the supervisor approves, go to the next step. If the supervisor rejects, REJECTED. |
7 | Does the claimed shift overlap with any shifts in the claiming employee's schedule? Does adding the shift to the claiming employee's schedule cause any schedule compliance errors? These are checked again to ensure that the shift claim did not become invalid due to schedule changes after the shift claim request was made. | If yes to either question, REJECTED. If no to both questions, ACCEPTED. |