Claiming and bidding on shifts
The My Scheduled Events section displays your currently assigned shifts and time off on the selected date. You can tap on a shift in this section to view the shift details.
The Available Shifts section lists the shifts that the employee can claim from the billboard on the date that is currently selected. A warning icon is displayed for any shifts that would cause schedule compliance warnings. Shifts that would cause schedule compliance errors are not displayed.
In the desktop view, the Billboard tab displays your schedule in a calendar and the available shifts for the selected date. Dates in the calendar with available billboard shifts are marked with a triangle in the lower right corner.
In the smartphone view, the Billboard tab only displays the employee's available shifts and scheduled events, without the calendar. The earliest date with available billboard shifts is selected when the Billboard tab is opened. Employees can select other dates from the calendar popup by tapping the calendar icon next to the displayed date.