Accessing time attestation from the floating action button
During attestation, users can approve, reject, or skip individual time attestation records. When the user has multiple records to attest, the records are displayed from oldest to newest. After the user approves or rejects a record, the next oldest record is displayed, and so on, until the most recent record before today's date is displayed.
After the user completes their review of pending records, they are prompted to review any records they have previously rejected if the Allow Resolve option has been enabled on the Time Approval Settings maintenance form. If the user agrees to review their rejected records, each timesheet with an associated rejected time approval record is displayed, in chronological order.
For each rejected timesheet, the user's original comment entered at the time of rejection, if any, is displayed along with the existing rejected status and date in the Attestation section of the timesheet. The user can resolve the rejected record by tapping the
button or skip the timesheet by tapping the button. When the user taps the button, a new time approval record for that day is created with a status of RESOLVED and the day is no longer considered as rejected. When the user taps the button, the day is left as rejected. The next eligible rejected timesheet, if any, is then displayed.