Creating a survey

You create new surveys in the desktop application. You can also edit and delete existing surveys, provided there are no integrity constraints being violated.

  1. In the desktop application, select Maintenance > Surveys > Survey Setup.
  2. Click Create New Entry.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify a unique name for the survey.
    Optionally, specify a description for the survey.
    Survey Start Date
    Select the effective start date of the survey. By default, the survey start date is 01/01/1900.
    Survey End Date
    Select the effective end date of the survey. By default, the survey end date is 01/01/3000.
    Survey Priority
    Specify the priority of this survey. The priority represents the execution order of the survey, with 1 being the first survey presented, 2 being the second survey presented, and so on.
    Note: Two surveys cannot have the same priority.
    Extension Script
    Optionally, select a plugin for trigger extensions. The custom plugin should return true or false, with true meaning the survey should be presented and false meaning the survey should not be presented. Both Groovy and Java frameworks are supported. The Groovy framework supports analyzing complex timesheet details, determining the amount of time that has elapsed since the last punch, and analyzing punches that did not reach the timesheet yet.
  4. Click Save.
  5. In the Survey Data Localization section, specify the survey title to be presented to employees for each applicable locale.
  6. When finished, click Save at the bottom of the Survey Data Localization section.