This section includes examples of shifts that violate or pass the Maximum Days Per Calendar Month schedule compliance rule.
Example configuration
The examples in this section use these configuration settings:
Max Days Allowed: 25
All the examples in this section use September as the month being validated. September has 30 days.
Example 1 - Pass
Employee A is scheduled to shifts on 24 days between September 1 and September 30.
Schedule compliance does not return a violation because the employee is scheduled to 25 days or less.
Example 2 - Violation
Employee B is scheduled to shifts on 26 days between September 1 and September 30.
Schedule compliance returns a violation because the employee is scheduled to more than 25 days.
Example 3 - Pass (overlap from previous month excluded)
Employee C is scheduled to shifts on 25 days between September 1 and September 30. On August 31, employee C is assigned to a shift from 11:00 PM to 3:00 AM. The shift on August 31 is counted towards the August total.
Schedule compliance does not return a violation because the employee is scheduled to 25 days or less.