
This section includes some practical examples of how employees are handled using this filter.

Example Configuration

The following examples use these configuration settings:


Comma Separated Values: WA, OR, CA

In this example, EMP_VAL1 is used to record the State of residence for the employee.

Each of these examples also use the Maximum Hours Per Day rule with the following configuration:

Hours: 8

Example 1 - Pass

Employee A has a EMP_VAL1 of OR and is scheduled to work for 7 hours.

The filter passes this employee to the Maximum Hours Per Day rule. Schedule compliance does not return a violation as the hours are within the maximum.

Example 2 - Not Passed

Employee B has a EMP_VAL1 of NY and is scheduled to work for 10 hours.

The filter does not pass this employee to the Maximum Hours Per Day rule, so the hours are not validated.