Creating schedule bids

To create a schedule bid:

  1. Select Maintenance > Optional Modules > Schedule Bidding > Schedule Bid Setup > Create/Manage Schedule Bid.
  2. Click Create New Entry.
  3. Specify this information:
    Schedule Bid Name
    Specify the name of the bid.
    Specify a brief description of the bid.
    Specify the type of bid. For example, vacation bidding.
    Select one of these modes for the schedule bid from the drop-down list:
    • SEQ: Sequential bidding
    • CONC: Concurrent bidding
    • SEQ/CONC: Sequential/Concurrent bidding (default)
    • PREF: Preferential bidding
    Schedule Bid Group
    Select the bid group for the schedule bid using the lookup.
    Schedule Bidding Method
    Select one of these modes for the schedule bid from the drop-down list:
    • Pattern (default)
    • Shift
    Specify the status for the schedule bid. Available options are NEW (default), OPEN, PAUSE, and CLOSE.
    Bidders per Bid Window
    Specify the number of bidders to bid concurrently.

    When Mode is set to SEQ, you must specify 1 in this field. When Mode is set to CONC or SEQ/CONC, specify the number of bidders bidding concurrently in each bid window.

    Bid Window (min.)
    Specify the number of minutes per bid window.
    Start Date and Time
    Select the start date and time for the shift or shift pattern assignment.

    This date is used to create the employee overrides for the assigned shift or shift pattern. That is, the employee’s schedule will be updated from this start date. Together the start and end dates specify the lifetime of the shift or shift pattern assignment.

    End Date and Time
    Select the end date and time for the shift or shift pattern assignment.

    This value is used to create the employee overrides for the assigned shift or shift pattern. That is, the employee’s schedule will be updated until this end date and time.

    Processing Time (min.)
    Specify the number of minutes to allocate for processing time between bid windows.
    Apply Preferential Bidding
    Select one of these options from the drop-down list:
    • Y: Uses employee preferences.
    • N: Ignores employee preferences.
  4. Click Save.