Supervisor Approval screen details

After you load one or more employees, the employees' timesheets are displayed in a grid on the Supervisor Approval screen.

This information is displayed in the grid:

  • Employee information card

    You can view the employee information card when you hover over the employee's name in the Employee column. The employee information card includes the employee identifier, status, pay group, and calculation group. Other information are displayed based on your system configuration settings.

  • Scheduled hours

    You can view the number of hours an employee is scheduled to work each day in the worksheet. When you hover over the scheduled hours for a day, you can see a breakdown of the scheduled times, and breaks if applicable, for that date in the worksheet. If an employee is not scheduled to work on a given day, Sched: OFF is displayed in the worksheet.

  • Hours worked

    You can view the number of hours an employee worked each day under the scheduled hours. You can view a breakdown of paid hours and a separate summary of other time not included in the paid time calculation when you hover over the worked hours.

  • Pay earned

    You can view the pay earned for each day, based on both the scheduled hours and the hours worked below the hours scheduled and the hours worked. For example, you can see Sched: $160.00 and Worked: $160.00 in the worksheet. However, if the pay for a day is 0, you can see Sched: OFF and Worked: $0.00 in the worksheet.

  • Authorization state

    You can view a graphical icon representing the current authorization state for each day in the timesheet. A green check mark indicates the time that is authorized for that day and a red X indicates the time that is not authorized. When you hover over the authorization icon, you can see additional information, such as the user who performed the authorization or the message from the rules that automatically unauthorized the day. You can click the authorization state icon to authorize or unauthorize a specific day.

  • Employee and team summaries

    You can view authorization icons at both the employee and team summary levels, along with a count of approved and total records. If element security is enabled, you can click Authorize All or Unauthorize All button to authorize or unauthorize an employee's entire period or the entire worksheet.

    You can view the total number of approved shifts for each day in the timesheet. The total approval count for each day is updated when there are changes to an employee's authorization. The total approval count includes only the visible rows and excludes the empty rows.

  • Timesheet comments

    You can view the comments for a specific day by clicking the comment icon in the worksheet. Additionally, you can add, edit, or delete a comment on any of the displayed days.