Loading employee time to process

Use the SAW Data Selection screen to select which employee time records to load into the SAW.

  1. Select Supervisor Approval.
  2. Specify this information:
    Specify one or more employees to be loaded.
    Specify one or more teams to be loaded.
    Include Sub Teams
    Select this check box to load sub teams in addition to the parent teams.
    Home Team Only
    Select this check box to include only employees whose home team is the team specified in the Team field.

    Approval worksheets of employees who are on that team because of a temporary team assignment are not loaded. If an employee is only partially assigned to the selected team for the date range being loaded, only the details on the dates that team is their home team are displayed upon loading.

    Pay Group
    Specify one or more pay groups to be loaded.
    Calc Group
    Specify one or more calculation groups to be loaded.
    Specify the time frame for the records to be loaded. Select one of these options:
    • Current Pay Period
    • Last Pay Period
    • Next Pay Period
    • Today
    • Yesterday
    • Last Week
    • Manual Date Range.

    Then complete the SAW FROM DATE and SAW TO DATE fields.

    Select the authorization status of the records to be loaded. Select one of these options:
    • All
    • Fully Authorized
    • Unauthorized
    Order By
    Select the sort order. You can select one of these options:
    • Employee Name
    • Employee Last Name
    • Employee First Name
    • Worked
    • Scheduled
  3. Click Load.