Creating a self-scheduling group
- Select Scheduling > Self-Scheduling > Group.
- Click Create New Entry.
Specify this information:
- Group Name
- Specify a name for the self-scheduling group. For example, Trauma Unit - Jan 2005.
- Group Description
- Optionally, specify a description of the self-scheduling group. For example, Trauma Unit January 2005 - initial self-scheduling.
Click Save.
The Group Employee and Group Team sections are displayed.
To assign an individual employee to the self-scheduling
- Expand the Group Employee section.
Specify this information:
- Employee
- Select an employee using the lookup.
- Eff Start Date
- Select the appropriate start date for the employee's inclusion in the group from the calendar.
- Eff End Date
- Select the appropriate end date for the employee's inclusion in the group from the calendar.
- Click Save to save the employee assignment.
To assign a team to the group:
- Expand the Group Team section.
- Select a team name using the Team lookup.
- Click Save to save the team assignment.
- Repeat steps 6 and 7 to add as many employees or teams as required.
- After you have assigned all employees and teams to the self-scheduling group, click the Return to form listing link under any of the sections.