Removing self scheduling shifts from the schedule

You can remove shifts that you have selected from a self scheduling process from your schedule. Self-scheduling shifts can be removed as long as the process that they were selected from is still open.

  1. Select Self Scheduling from the application menu or header menu.
  2. If there is more than one self scheduling process open for you, then select the process that you would like to use to create your schedule using one of these methods:
    • In desktop view, select the process from the Processes drop-down.
    • In smartphone view, tap Settings. Select the process from the Process Selection drop-down, and then tap Okay.
    Note: Selecting a different process clears any un-submitted shifts selected from the currently selected process. Ensure that you submit any selected shifts before selecting a different process.
  3. Click the date when the shift that you would like to remove from your schedule takes place.
  4. Click the trash can icon.
If the shift has not previously been submitted, then the shift is immediately removed from your schedule. If the shift has previously been submitted, then the shift is removed from the schedule, and the removal is validated to ensure that it does not violate schedule rules set up by your organization. If any rules are violated, then a warning message is displayed. Click Okay. If an error rule is violated, then you must correct the violation by selecting or removing the necessary shifts before you can submit updates to your schedule.