Default hours and minutes
A range of default hours can be specified in a self-scheduling rule's Employee Constraints section to enforce the rule against employees with default hours in the specified range. An employee's default hours are determined by the number of Default Minutes specified in their employee profile. For example, a rule with a range of 6 to 8 default hours would be enforced for employees that have 480 default minutes (8 hours) specified in their employee profile.
The employee's default hours also determine how shifts are counted for self-scheduling
rules that specify a minimum or maximum number of shifts. For these rules, the number of
shifts is calculated by combining the number of hours in the employee's shifts and
dividing that by the employee's default hours. The employee's shifts include shifts
selected by the employee in self-scheduling and shifts that are already assigned to the
employee. For example, if an employee has 8 default hours, a 9 hour shift selected by
the employee would be counted as two shifts.
Note: In self-scheduling, employee default hours are calculated by rounding down employee
default minutes to the closest whole hour. For example, an employee with 510 default
minutes (8.5 hours) is considered to have 8 default hours for determining if
self-scheduling rules apply to them. For this employee, self-scheduling rules that
specify minimum and maximum numbers of shifts would use 8 hours as the length of a
single shift.