Running Year at a Glance reports

  1. Select My Reports > Year At A Glance > New Report.
  2. Specify this information:
    Report Type
    Select Absences, Overtime, or Schedule.
    Select the year. If you select the current year, then information up to the current month is displayed.
    Specify the employees to include in the report.
    Specify the teams to include in the report.
    Include Sub Teams
    Optionally, select the check box to include any sub teams.
    Order By
    Select an option for how the results will be sorted.
  3. Optionally, select the Save check box to save your parameters.
    To save your parameters you must specify a name and description in the Name and Description fields. You can also select the Personal Report check box to make the saved parameters available only to yourself.
  4. Click Go.