Multi-view Scheduler reports

This table describes the reports under My Reports > Multi-view Scheduler Reports.

Each report has different parameters. Some parameters are shared by multiple reports, and others are unique to one report.

See Report selection parameters.

Report Description
Daily Staffing Report Shows the daily employee schedule, organized by date, team, day part, and job. Scheduled hours are distinguished from non-work hours and summarized by date, team, day part, and job.
Note: Simple shifts in this report are indicated with no shift label.
Daily Staffing Summary Report Shows the daily employee schedule summary, organized by date and team. Start and end times of work activities in shifts are displayed, and breaks and time-offs are excluded from the report. In addition, the number of scheduled employees in each team is summarized by position.
Note: Simple shifts in this report are indicated with no shift label.
Home Team Schedule Period Report This report displays the schedule for each employee in the selected home team for a period of up to six weeks. It excludes employees who have been temporarily assigned from other teams. The report highlights unpublished shifts, shifts with expired jobs, absences, weekend shifts, and holidays.