Adding Forecast data
After creating the Forecast query, you must set it up so it returns the appropriate forecast data when the report is run.
- Double-click the Forecast query to edit it.
Under Insertable objects,
select the Sources tab, and
then drag these query items into the Data Items
Namespace > Query Subject > Query Item Scheduling > Store > Store Name Scheduling > Forecast Driver > Volume Type Scheduling > Forecasts > Calls - Click Show properties.
- Select the Calls data item and select Total in the Detail Aggregation property.
Click Toolbox and then drag a
Data Item object into
the Data Items section.
The Data Item Expression dialog box is displayed.
- Specify Volume in the Name field.
- Specify 0 (zero) in the Expression Definition field and click OK.
- Select the Volume data item and select Total in the Detail aggregation property.
Click Toolbox and then
drag a Filter object into the
Detail Filters section:
The Detail Filter Expression dialog box is displayed.
In the Expression
Definition field, modify the expression to:
[Scheduling].[Forecasts].[Forecast Date] between #$TIMESTAMP{$account.parameters.DB_TYPE }# #prompt ( 'Start Date', 'date' )# #$TIMESTAMP{$account.parameters.DB_TYPE + '.end' }# and #$TIMESTAMP{$account.parameters.DB_TYPE }# #prompt ( 'End Date', 'date' )# #$TIMESTAMP{$account.parameters.DB_TYPE + '.end' }#
This expression creates
Start Date
andEnd Date
parameters for the report. - Click OK.
- Drag a Filter object into the Detail Filters section.
In the Expression
Definition field, specify this expression and then click OK.
[Scheduling].[Store].[SKDGRP_ID] in (?Store?)
This expression creates a
parameter for the report. - Click OK.
Click the
[Scheduling].[Store].[SKDGRP_ID] in (?Store?)
filter. - Click Show Properties and verify that the Usage property is set to Optional.
- Drag a Filter object into the Detail Filters section.
In the Expression
Definition field, specify this expression and then click OK.
[Scheduling].[Store].[SKDGRP_ID] <> NULL
This expression removes rows that do not contain a Store from the report results.
Select the
[Scheduling].[Store].[SKDGRP_ID] <> NULL
detail filter, and select After Auto Aggregation for the Application property.