Report selection parameters

The report selection parameters vary depending on the report that you are running.

This table describes the available report selection parameters:

Parameter Description
Approved Select the violations that are shown in the Schedule Compliance Violations report based on their approval status. Select Approved, Unapproved, or All Records.
Approved By Select the violations that are shown in the Schedule Compliance Violations report based on the users who approved them.
Authorization Select records to view based on their authorization status, such as Authorized or Unauthorized.
Balance Type Select the balance type to view in the Balance Detail Report or the Balance Summary Report, such as Sick, Personal Days, or Vacation).
Budget Method Select the budget method to use for a Cost Summary Report. You can select one of these methods:
  • None: No budget type is used.
  • FTE: The budget is derived using the number of full-time equivalents (FTEs) that may be applied.
  • Payroll as a % of Revenue: The budget (in dollars) is derived from a percentage of the forecast revenue.
  • Payroll Cost per Volume Unit: The budget is derived from a fixed cost per unit.
  • Total Hours: The budget (in hours) is derived from the forecast.
Budget Method Parameter For the Cost Summary Report, specify the value of the budget type parameter.
Calculation Group Select the calculation groups to include in the report.
Category For the Enterprise Productivity Report, select the aspect of enterprise productivity that you want to report on.
  • Sales: Shows the budget, forecast, and actual sales.
  • Payroll Hours: Shows the budget, forecast, and actual hours.
  • Payroll Dollars: Shows the budget, forecast and actual payroll dollars.
  • Business: Shows LY and TY sales, average hourly rate (AHR), payroll percent, sales per hour (SPH), and sales per payroll $.
  • Conversion: Shows the relationship between the two volume types that are selected in the Volume Type 1 and Volume Type 2 parameters. For example, you could use this option to show cart size (items per transaction) or traffic conversion (traffic per transaction).
Compare With Select the time period to compare in the Business Performance Report or the Overtime Trend Report, such as Previous-Period or Same-Period-Last-Year.
Date For the View Assignment Report, specify the date to view.
Date Selection Select the period of time for the report.
Day Part Specify the day parts to include in the report, such as morning or afternoon.
Department Select the departments to include in the report.
Direction Select the direction in which to sort the records in the report. You can select Ascending or Descending.
Docket Select the dockets to include in the Daily Project Activity and the Docket Report.
Domain Select the domains to include in the User Session Report. You can select one of these options:
  • WORKBRAIN_SYSTEM: Users who have logged into the system from the desktop application.
  • MOBILITY: Users who have logged into the system from the mobility application
Employee ID Select the employee IDs to include in the report.
Employee Status Select the employee status to include in the report, such as Active or Inactive.
End Date Select the end date of the date range to show in the report.
FTE Hours/Week For a Cost Summary Report, specify the number of hours of work per week that is equivalent to a FTE of 1.0.
Group By Select how to group the report results, such as User, Date, IP Address, Shift Pattern, or Team. The Group By options that are displayed from the drop-down list are specific to the report.
Highlight Coverage Less Than % For the Schedule Effectiveness Summary Report, specify the threshold percentage for highlighting the cells in the report based on coverage. A coverage percentage is displayed for each day in the date range. When coverage for a department is less than the specified value, the coverage percentage is highlighted in the report. The default threshold percentage for coverage is 85.

See Coverage and efficiency calculations.

Highlight Efficiency Less Than % For the Schedule Effectiveness Summary Report, specify the threshold percentage for highlighting the cells in the report based on efficiency. An efficiency percentage is displayed for each day in the date range. When efficiency for a department is less than the specified value, the efficiency percentage is highlighted in the report. The default threshold percentage for efficiency is 75.

See Coverage and efficiency calculations.

Include Parent and Sub Teams Indicates whether you want to include parent and sub teams in the Employee Contact Tracing Report.
Include Sub Locations Indicates whether you want to include sub locations in the Forecast Summary Report.
Include Sub Teams Select this check box to include the sub teams for the teams that you selected to show in the report.
Job Select the jobs to include in the report. These are activities, not Job Scheduler jobs.
Job ID Select the jobs to include in the Job Scheduler Report. These are Job Scheduler jobs, not activities. Click All to include all jobs in the report.
Location Specify the location or locations to include in the report.
Offer Name Select the OTE offer names to include in the OTE Offered and Worked Report.
Only Working Hours For the Net Staffing By Hours Report, indicate whether you only want to include working hours.
Operation You can choose from Add, Copy, Delete, and Update. Report Update History Report
Order By Select the property that will be used to sort the report results, such as User or Date/Time. The options that are displayed in the drop-down list depend on the report.
Order By Job Direction For a Home Team Schedule Period Report, specify if you want to sort by job in ascending or descending order.
Override Status Select the override status to include in the Schedule Audit Report or the Override by Employee Report, such as CANCELLED or PENDING.
Override Type Select the override type to include in the Schedule Audit Report or the Override by Employee Report.
OTE Group Select the Overtime Equalization (OTE) group to include in the OTE Offered and Worked Report.
Pay Group Select the pay groups to include in the report.
Period Select the time period for the report.

For an Enterprise Productivity Report you can select Week to Date, Month to Date, or Year to Date.

For a Home Team Schedule Period Report you can select 1 Week, 2 Weeks, 3 Weeks, or 4 Weeks.

Productive Hours Only Select this check box to only include productive hours in the Schedule Effectiveness Report. Some typical examples of non-productive time codes are UAT and MEAL. This option is enabled by default.
Project Select the projects to include in the report.
Report Format Select the output format of the report, such as HTML or PDF.
Report Name Execution History by User, Report Usage History Report
Response Select the overtime offer responses of employees to include in the OTE Offered and Worked Report, such as All, Accepted, Refuse, or Not Available.
Schedule Date Select the schedule date for the Schedule Effectiveness Summary report when running the report on demand. The default is today's date.
Note: You cannot specify an end date. The date range of the report is always one week.
Schedule Date Offset Specify a negative or positive offset to the start date when scheduling the Schedule Effectiveness Summary report. The offset is ignored when the Schedule Report check box is cleared.

By default, the offset is 0. In this case, the start date of the report is determined by the system date.

If you specify an offset other than 0 (with the Schedule Report check box selected), the start date of the report is determined by system date + offset.

For example, to return data starting one week in the future, specify an offset of 7. If the current day is September 5, then the start date of the report is September 12.

Schedule Report Select this check box when scheduling the Schedule Effectiveness Summary Report. The check box does not apply when running the report on demand.
Second Group By Select the second category by which to group the report results. This is used with the Group By parameter.
Shift Pattern Select the shift patterns to include in the Employee Information Report, the Employee Seniority Report, or the Shift Pattern Detail Report.
Shifts Not Associated to Day Part For the Daily Staffing Report or the Daily Staffing Summary Report, indicate whether to include or exclude shifts not associated with the day part specified in the Day Part parameter.
Show Parameters Select Yes or No to indicate whether you want to show the selection parameters in the report output.
Sort Select the sort order for the Schedule Compliance Violations report. You can sort the report by date, by rule (instance), or by violation type.
Start Date Select the start date of the date range to show in the report.
Start Date Offset Schedule Effectiveness Summary Report Specify a negative or positive offset to the start date when scheduling the report. The offset is ignored when the Schedule Report check box is cleared.

By default, the offset is 0. In this case, the start date of the report is determined by the system date.

If you specify an offset other than 0 (with the Schedule Report check box selected), the start date of the report is determined by system date + offset.

For example, to return data starting one week in the future, specify an offset of 7. If the current day is September 5, then the start date of the report is September 12.

State Specify the approval states to include in the Employee Time Approval State Report, such as PENDING or REJECTED.
Status Select the status of the user logins to include in the User Session Report, such as Success or Failed. By default, both statuses are included.
Store Specify the stores to include in the report.
Table Changed Specify the database tables to include in the Audit Tracking Report.
Team Select the teams to include in the report.
Time Code Select the time codes to include in the Daily Project Activity Report or the Docket Report.
Transaction ID Select the transaction ID to include in the Export Log report or the Import Log report.
Transaction Type Select the type of export transaction to show in the Export Log report and the Import Log report, such as Clock Import.
Unit Specify the unit to show in the View Assignment Report or the Weekly Utilization Report.
Unit Hall Specify the unit hall to show in the View Assignment Report.
Unit Type Specify the unit type to show in the View Assignment Report.
User Select the users for the User Session Report, Override by Employee Report, Execution History by User report, Execution History Detailed Report, or Report Update History Report.
User ID Specify the user ID for the Audit Tracking Report.
Violation Type For the Schedule Compliance Violations Report, select the violations to view. You can display all violations, only warnings, or only errors.
Volume Type Optionally, select the volume types to include in the report. Volume types are user-defined parameters that drive the staffing requirements of a location, such as sales revenue, number of items sold, or number of transactions processed, in a specified time period. Productivity Summary Report, Productivity Variance Report
Volume Type 1 For the Enterprise Productivity Report, select the first volume type. This parameter is only used when Conversion is selected for the Category parameter.
Volume Type 2 For the Enterprise Productivity Report, select the second volume type. This parameter is only used when Conversion is selected for the Category parameter.
Work Date Select the date of the records to view in the Daily Time and Attendance Report.
Work Detail Column 1 Select the first work detail to use for the Attendance Management Report. You can select Department, Docket, Hour Type, Job, Project, or Time Code.
Work Detail Column 2 Select the second work detail to use for the Attendance Management Report. You can select Department, Docket, Hour Type, Job, Project, or Time Code.