Deploying a custom report to another tenant
This topic outlines the procedure and commands for deploying and configuring
custom reports in a Birst environment.After creating a report in a TST
environment, you can move the report to another tenant. For example, from TST to PRD. This topic
outlines this procedure with an example of a report created by a user named
“Employee-Information Security”. It is important to note that all custom reports must be saved
in the Custom Report folder to prevent your custom reports from being overwritten during monthly
content updates. After creating your custom report, you must register the report to make it
available to other users in WFM.
Deploying a custom report:
- Log in to your PRD tenant and copy the user ID. The user ID is in the format
. After logging in to Birst, you can find the userID on the bottom left side of the application. - Copy the userID and save it in a text editor.
- Log in to your TST tenant and navigate . Select and copy the ID and save it in a text editor. This is the space ID for your TST tenant.
- Navigate to and add the userID from the first step and logout from your TST tenant.
- Log in to your PRD tenant and navigate to Birst to see the
consumer space. - Select the PRD WFMOP-MT-consumer space and navigate to and copy the ID and save it in your text editor. This is the space ID for the PRD tenant.
- Click .
- Use these commands to deploy the custom report, dashboard or folder:
To copy a report
copyspace “Source Space
ID” “Target Space ID” copy catalog:"shared/Custom Report/Employee-Information
Security/”Report Name”.AdhocReport"
Dashboard Copy
copyspace “Source Space
ID” “Target Space ID” copy catalog:"shared/Custom Report /Employee-Information Security /
Employee-Information Security
Note: If you see any issue
within the dashboard, then verify if the report path is properly mapped in the dashboard by
clicking in the dashboard
Folder Copy
copyspace “Source Space ID”
“Target Space ID” copy catalog:"shared/Custom Report/Employee-Information
Ensure that the report and dashboard are copied by going to the Designer and Dashboard to check if the new report and dashboard appears.
If you do not see the report dashboard in the Birst dashboard, then it may be that the dashboard has not been copied.
If the dashboard appears and you get an error such as “Dashboard/Report not found”, then verify if the report path is properly mapped in the dashboard by clicking Edit in the dashboard window.
Test the report in Birst before registering the report in WFM.
You can now register the report in WFM. For more information, see Birst content registration wizard.