
This parameter specifies the effective date of the validation introduced in POST-13118, which prevents Schedule Detail overrides that span midnight from overlapping with Shift Pattern shifts on the timesheet. In addition, the validation prevents Schedule Detail overrides from overlapping with other Schedule Detail overrides.

For example, if a user tries to apply a Schedule Detail override on a day that overlaps with a Shift Pattern shift on the following day, an override error is generated. Prior to this validation, overlapping time between the override and the Shift Pattern shift was being counted twice on employee's timesheets.

As a result of the fix in POST-13118, if an affected retrospective scenario is recalculated, then the system generates retrospective adjustments, leading to overpayments due to the override error on the timesheet. To avoid this, this registry parameter was introduced to make the validation in POST-13118 date effective.

For new installs, the default is set to 01/01/1900 to enable the validation. For upgrades, the default is set to 01/01/3000 to prevent unintended errors due to old data.

Note: To enable the validation, upgrading customers must update this registry parameter.
Valid values

Valid date in the MM/dd/yyyy format

Default value

For new installations, this parameter is set to 01/01/1900.

For upgrades of existing installations, this parameter is set to 01/01/3000.


