
This registry parameter determines the maximum number of days that an employee's schedule is locked when a Master Rotation (MR) is processed. Starting on the first day of publishing, if the length of the employee assignment on the row is longer than the number of days set in this registry parameter, the employee's schedule is locked for the number of days specified in this registry parameter. If the assignment period is shorter, the schedule is locked for the length of the assignment period. The schedule is unlocked after the publishing tasks are completed. This registry parameter also determines the number of days that MRs are checked for schedule compliance or schedule overlaps before processing.

The value of this registry parameter should be the same as the publishing length configured for the long-term Publish Rotation task. The publishing length can be calculated by adding the Value field to the Offset field. For example, if the Value is 309 and the Offset is 56, this registry parameter should be set to at least 365.

Valid Values:

Any positive integer

Default Value:


