
This parameter specifies the list of override types with LTA time codes that are displayed in the Time Off Planner. The parameter can be configured to show premium overrides, elapsed time overrides, or both.

When set to ELAPSED_TIMES, elapsed time overrides on the timesheet are displayed in the Time Off Calendar and Time Off Approval pages in both the mobility and desktop application. Only elapsed time overrides with LTA time codes (Is LTA option selected) are displayed.

When set to WORK_PREMIUMS, premium overrides on the timesheet are displayed in the Time Off Calendar and Time Off Approval pages in both the mobility and desktop application. Only premium overrides with LTA time codes (Is LTA option selected) are displayed.

Premium overrides displayed in the Time Off Planner respect the PREMIUMS_REPLACE_SAME_TIMECODE registry parameter. When that registry is enabled and multiple premium overrides with the same LTA time code are applied on a day, only the last override is displayed on the Time Off Calendar.

Note: Elapsed time and premium overrides cannot be edited or canceled from the Time Off Calendar and Time Off Approval pages.

By default, override types with LTA time codes are not displayed in the Time Off Planner.

Valid Values:

A comma-separated list of override type names.

Default Value:




