- Description:
This parameter allows you to create a custom implementation to extend the staff offset functionality, creating custom hours of operation to be used during schedule generation. You must create a custom implementation that implements the interface. Within the custom class you must implement the createHoursOfOperation() method, which returns a boolean array representing the intervals of the schedule for a particular location.
Within the boolean array, the boolean value for each interval indicates whether the location is open for that day. This array is then used during schedule generation for any hours of operation calculations.
The size of the array must be as follows:
(schedule length in days + 1) * (number of minutes in day / interval length in minutes)
For example, a 7 day schedule with 15 minute intervals would mean you must return an array of size = ((7+1) * (1440/15)) = 768.
For more information, see the JavaDoc within the ICreateHoursOf Operation interface.
To use the custom staff offset functionality, set the CUSTOM_HOURSOF
OPERATIONCREATOR parameter to specify the fully-qualified class name representing the new custom implementation.
- Valid Values:
a fully-qualified classname
- Default Value:
- Location:
- Effective: