Associated jobs in MR/OTS
Employees are considered qualified to be assigned to a row if they possess the job on the row. They are also qualified if they possess any of the other jobs in the set of associated jobs that are related to the job on the row. The employee may have the parent job or any of the child jobs to be considered qualified. When the MR or OTS is processed, the publishing process updates the job on the published shifts to match the employee's actual job qualification.
Coverage details in the MR and OTS edit screens are displayed for each individual job separately. The shifts on a row contribute to coverage based on the row's job, rather than the job qualification that is possessed by the employee. Because of this, it is recommended to associate rows in MRs and OTSs with parent jobs. It is also recommended to define the coverage needs based on parent jobs in any Staffing Requirements Templates used in your MRs or OTSs. Designing your schedules this way ensures that coverage is calculated based on the functional roles that are required to cover the workload, instead of having coverage information divided by individual job titles.