Putting an employee on long-term absence

Employees that are assigned to a row in a Master Rotation (MR) or One-time Schedule (OTS) can be put on long-term absence (LTA) for a specified date range.

  1. Edit an MR or OTS.
  2. Click inside the Employee column for the employee you would like to put on LTA.
    The Assignment and Labor Metrics panel is displayed.
  3. Click Manage Assignment > Put Employee on LTA.
  4. Specify this information:
    Original segment dates

    This list contains the ranges of dates that are assigned in the row. For rows that have more than one date range that is assigned, specify the date range when the employee will be put on LTA. LTA start dates and end dates must fall within the specified date range.

    Start Date
    Specify the start date for the absence.
    End Date
    Specify the end date for the absence.
    Leave Code
    Specify the leave code for the absence.
    Note: If the specified leave code consumes balance, the employee must have sufficient balance to cover any shifts scheduled during the specified dates. Balances are checked when processing the MR or OTS. If the employee has insufficient balance to cover the LTA shifts, the schedule cannot be processed.
    Optionally, specify comments.
  5. Click Submit.

All shifts during the specified LTA period are marked using the specified leave code. A new unassigned row is created directly below the employee's original row for the duration of the LTA. The unassigned row can be assigned to other employees to cover the shifts.