Creating multiple ad-hoc shifts through a single transaction

Through the Repeat field, you can create multiple ad-hoc shifts. When you create shifts in this way, you specify when the repeated shifts should occur, for example, daily or weekly, and when the schedule pattern should end.

Multiple ad hoc shifts are created in a block but appear as individual shifts when posted to the

This feature is available in all modes, Simple, Details and Mass edit.

With release 2023.10, multiple ad hoc shifts that are created through a single transaction are posted as individual shifts.

  1. Load a schedule.
  2. Click the New Adhoc icon on the icon tray.
  3. On the dialog box that displays, click the Repeat button.
  4. Specify the recurrence pattern for the shifts. In the Repeat field, specify Daily or Weekly
    • For Daily: Specify the end date in the Repeat Until field. Specify the the repeat pattern in the Every Number of Days field. For example, for daily, specify "1." For every other day, specify "2," and so on. You can combine an Every Number of Days date with an end date. If the fields are combined, the pattern specified in Every Number of Days will continue until the end date.
    • For Weekly: Specify the end date in the End Date field. You can select the days of the week that the schedule should occur. For example, if the schedule is for weekdays, make sure only Monday through Friday are selected.
  5. Click Add Shift.