Booking time off
You can book off shifts when the assigned employee cannot work, for example when employees call in sick, or when schedule adjustments are required, for example because the position is overstaffed. You can book off an entire shift or part of a shift. When a book off is performed, the shift activities assigned to the employee are updated to the leave activities specified by the selected book off codes. A relief shift is created to cover the vacant shift or portion of the shift. When performing a book off, you can select the relief status that is used to display the created relief shift in the Relief Queue.
Book offs are validated to ensure that the schedule change does not cause schedule compliance errors. Book offs are also validated for employee balances. Booking off a shift consumes employee balances when the book off code selected has a balance associated with it. Employee balances are checked before a book off is performed to ensure that the book off does not require more balance than the employee currently has available.
When booking time off, an approved leave can be applied to an employee's schedule and the Time Off Planner on behalf of the employee. If the leave activity specified in the Book-Off Code field is mapped to a time off type, then an approved LTA will be added to the Time Off Planner. If the leave activity specified in the Book-Off Code field is not mapped to a time off type, then an approved LTA is not added to the Time Off Planner.
For more information on the Time Off Planner, see the Infor Workforce Management Time Off Planner User Guide.