Function buttons
These function buttons are available in the shift details view:
Label | Description |
Copy | Copies the shift. The shift turns green. Click into another day, and the shift is copied as an Ad Hoc shift. |
Mark for Swap | The shift is eligible to be swapped. The shift cell changes color and displays the mark for swap icon. |
Delete | Deletes your selected ad-hoc shift. This button can only be used with ad-hoc shifts. |
Book-Off | Generally used when an employee calls in sick. Eligible Book Off Codes are available. You have the option to send the shift to the Relief Queue. |
Unassign | Unassigns employees from ad-hoc shifts. This button can only be used with ad-hoc shifts. |
Add Shift | Creates an ad hoc shift. |
Add | Adds a new line for shift information. For example, an employee was scheduled for WRK all day. However, during the day, the employee does one hour of training. Use this button to add a new line to this shift detail, where you can add information about the training time. |
Breaks and Meals Add | Adds a new line for breaks and meals information. For example, an employee was scheduled for a 30 minute break at lunch time. However, during the day, the employee takes a 15 minute coffee break. Use this button to add a new line to this shift detail, where you can add information about the coffee break time. |
Cancel Book-off | Cancels the booked off status for shifts. |
Shift History | Displays the audit trail for the shift. The Shift History window is displayed. |
Shift Comments | Add a comment to the shift or display existing comments on the shift. |