Floating employees to other units

  1. In Scheduling > Multi-view Scheduler > Central staffing > Central Staffing, select an assigned shift and right-click.
  2. On the shift card context menu, select Float to Other Unit.
  3. In Float to Unit, specify the unit to float the shift to.
    By default, only the teams to which you have security access are displayed in the lookup.
  4. Select either Float to New Shift or Float to Existing Shift.
  5. If you select Float to New Shift, this option creates a new shift. You can click Shift Label and specify the shift or search for the shift to float the employee into.
    Note that only the shifts associated with the unit you selected in Float To Unit are displayed in the lookup.
  6. If you select Float to Existing Shift, you can select an unassigned shift from a list of shift cards that is displayed.

    Note that only the shifts associated with the unit selected in Float To Unit and the shifts that overlap with the shift to float from are displayed.

    Only one shift can be marked at a time. Clicking another shift will automatically clear the previous one. Clicking a marked shift can also clear it.

    You can click the refresh button to load any new shifts that were created while the window is open.

  7. Click Next.
  8. In Float Shifts, specify or search for the Float Code that you want to use when booking off the overlapping portions of an employee's original shift.
  9. In To Open Shift, specify this information:
    Specify the date.
    Shift Label
    Specify the shift to float the employee into.
    Specify the time in the unassigned shift to assign to the employee.
    Detail Day
    For overnight shifts, select one of the options from the drop-down.
    Relief Status
    If there are any leftover times of the unassigned shift, select the status to apply to the relief shifts.
  10. Click Submit.