Setting up auto-approve time offs in AVS
Set up auto-approve time off without requiring approval from the supervisor in later versions.
- From the homepage, select Maintenance > Balance and Accruals > Time Off Type Setup.
- Turn on Config mode.
- Select a time off type.
- Click Edit.
- In Auto Approve in Scheduling, click the diamond icon.
In Field UI Configuration, specify this information:
- Delete
- The check box is cleared by default.
- Required
- Default is selected in the list by default.
- Default
- Specify or leave blank.
- Field type
- Leave blank.
- Field UI
- Select CheckboxUI from the list. By default, HiddenUI is selected.
- Field paramaters
- Leave blank.
- Maintenance form
- Specify 1626.
- Click Save.
- Close the Field UI Configuration page.
- On the Time Off Type Setup - Details page, select the Auto Approve in Scheduling check box.
- Turn off Config mode.
- Click Save.