Show Qualified filter options in ASV

With release 2023.10, new buttons are available in Mass Edit mode to enable schedulers to show qualified employees in these ways:
  • Show Qualified by Job: When selected, shows only employees whose jobs match the selected shift.
  • Show Qualified by Skill: When selected, shows only employees whose skills match the selected shift.
  • Show Available: When selected, shows only employees who are available to work.

These buttons are only available when at least one shift has been selected in the schedule grid for the schedule time range. If multiple buttons are selected, for example, jobs and skills, only employees who meet both criteria are shown. If all buttons are selected, only available employees who meet the jobs and skills criteria are shown.

These buttons are unselected by default. The scheduler must select them each time or set them as defaults using Config Mode.

Apply and Reset buttons

With release 2024.04, Apply and Reset buttons are available in Mass Edit mode. When a scheduler selects one of the Show Qualified filter options in ASV, they can click on either the Apply button or Reset button to run the filter after making their selection.

Note that these buttons are enabled only if at least one shift is selected and are disabled when the user resets the selections and no shifts are selected.