Broadcasting a mobile offer in the Relief Calling Area

You can use Relief Calling Area (RCA) to offer vacant relief shifts to employees by phone, text message, or email.

  1. Open the RCA.
  2. Select the shifts you want to offer.
  3. Add employees to the pool using the call list or the Employee Selection Criteria section.
  4. Select the Employee Pool check box to offer the shift to the entire employee pool. Or, select the check box of the employee to whom you are offering the shift.
  5. Click Broadcast Shift.
  6. In the Broadcast Shift dialog box, specify this information:
    Allow Partial Shift Claims
    This check box is cleared by default.
    Auto-approve Compliance Warnings
    Select this check box to automatically approve any schedule compliance warnings caused by an employee claiming the shift.
    Offer Window (min)
    Specify the duration in minutes that the offer is available in the shift billboard.
    Auto Launch
    Do not auto-launch is selected from the list by default.
    The time at which the offer closes is displayed in the Approx. Closing Time field. The time is calculated using the number of minutes specified in the Offer Window field.
  7. Click Offer.
The offer is broadcast to the mobile devices. A megaphone icon is displayed on broadcast shifts. The icon indicates that the shift is locked. The shift is locked for the duration of the offer, as specified in the Offer Window field.