Coverage display options

You can change how coverage information is displayed, by clicking the grid icon in the coverage panel. You can configure the view of the coverage by selecting one of these options in Display Coverage:

By Grouping

When you select By Grouping, you can compare staffing requirements with workload demand using multiple grouping levels, such as primary and secondary.

For a more detail coverage breakdown including Position, Day Part, Shift, and Area, you can enable tertiary grouping, which is hidden by default. The option Area in all grouping dropdowns is hidden by default.

This list shows the available grouping parameters:

  • Position: Shows the coverage for positions
  • Day Part: Shows the coverage for day parts
  • Shift: Shows the number of shifts
  • Areas: Shows the coverage for areas
An error message is displayed when there are incorrect grouping selections which occurs in this condition:
  • If the same value is selected for primary, secondary, and tertiary groupings.
  • If the selected value for secondary grouping is None and the tertiary grouping is not None.
  • If Day Part and Shift are both selected in the grouping selections.
  • If Day Part is not selected and By FTE is selected in Display Time field.
  • If Include Area is set to false for the rotation and Area is selected as one of the grouping options.

You can also use the Display Time field, which is only available in By Grouping, to display coverage through By Shift, By Hours, or By FTE.

By Time Interval

In By Time Interval, you can view the number of employees scheduled at a specific time in a day or between particular hours. This list shows the time intervals you can select using the Interval field:

  • 1 hour
  • 2 hours
  • 3 hours
  • 4 hours
  • 6 hours
  • 8 hours
  • 12 hours

The system calculates the Headcount as 1 for a specific interval if there is at least a one minute overlap between the shift and the interval.

The time format used in By Time Interval is based on the Config Locale Time format.

See the information about Time formats in self-scheduling in Infor Workforce Management MVS Implementation and Administration Guide.