Automatic row naming
Master Rotations (MRs) and One-time Schedules (OTSs) can be created with automatic row naming. This ensures that rows in the schedule are numbered based on the order of rows in the Schedule table. Manual updates to row names are disabled when automatic row naming is enabled.
The numbering of rows is maintained as rows are added to the schedule. When rows are added to the schedule, they are automatically numbered based on the position where they are inserted. Row numbers are increased for rows that are below the inserted rows.
The type of schedule and schedule status determines if row numbers are updated when a row is deleted. In a DRAFT MR, row numbers are automatically reduced for rows below the deleted row. In an MR that has been activated, row numbers are not changed for rows below the deleted row. Row numbers are skipped when viewing the schedule if the row does not have any active versions during the schedule period that you are viewing.
For OTS schedules, row numbers are reduced for rows below a deleted row. For OTS templates, row numbers are not reduced for rows below the deleted row.