Schedule compliance validation on MR processing

MR schedules are validated before processing for schedule compliance issues and schedule publishing conflicts. This validation allows schedulers to revise the schedule to correct schedule compliance errors, review warnings, and resolve schedule conflicts before any shifts are published. You can configure the validation date range that is used before processing MRs to ensure that only relevant dates are validated.

These registry parameters determine the validation date range:

This registry parameter determines the baseline start date for MR processing validation. It can be set to PAYGRP_CUTOFF to use the same cutoff date that is used for schedule editing in MVS. This is the same cutoff date set in the PAYGRP_CUTOFF_DATE registry parameter. MR_PROCESS_VALIDATION_START_DATE can also be set to CURRENT_DATE to use the current date. The actual start date is determined by the date specified here plus the number of offset days specified in MR_PROCESS_VALIDATION_OFFSET_DAYS.
This registry parameter determines how many days to offset the validation start date. Validation starts on the date specified in MR_PROCESS_VALIDATION_START_DATE plus the number of days specified in this parameter. The offset can be set to 0 to use the exact start date.
This registry parameter determines the number of days that are validated before processing an MR, starting on the start date defined by the other registry parameters.
Note: This registry parameter also determines the number of days that employee schedules are locked when publishing MR schedules.

The configuration of these registry parameters must be consistent with the configuration of the MR publishing tasks. The start date for the validation must match the start date for the short term publishing task to ensure that the entire publishing period is validated. The validation date range must be the same or longer than the date range configured in the MR publishing tasks.

See Configuring MR and OTS publish tasks.