Expiring job and skill alerts
Alert tasks can be created to notify managers and supervisors about employees with job or skill qualifications that will expire in the next 60 days. Alert tasks can also provide notifications when employees are scheduled to work with expired job or skill qualifications. This is useful to help supervisors to follow up with employees and ensure that any required licenses or certifications are renewed on time for the employee to continue working.
To configure these alerts, schedule an Alert Task and specify one of the expired or expiring qualification alert types in the Parameter page for the task. When the task is run, a workmail is sent to supervisors or managers if there are any employees on their team with expired or expiring qualifications. The workmail includes a list of the employees along with the relevant qualifications and end dates. Employees are included in the workmail each time the task runs until their qualification is extended. It is important to create a schedule that provides these alerts on a timely basis without overwhelming users with repeating alerts.
These are the Alert Type options for the expiring and expired qualification alerts:
Alert Type | Description |
Employees with Expired Job | Employees are included in the alert message if they have an expired job qualification and are scheduled to shifts requiring the job after the job's end date. |
Employees with Expired Skills | Employees are included in the alert message if they have an expired skill qualification and are scheduled to shifts requiring the job after the skill's end date. |
Employees with Expiring Job | Employees are included in the alert message if any of their job qualifications are set to expire in the next 60 days. |
Employees with Expiring Skills | Employees are included in the alert message if any of their skill qualifications are set to expire in the next 60 days. |